Malta Command 231st Infantry Brigade Formation Badge

A British WW2 Malta Command 231st Infantry Brigade formation badge, constructed in cotton uniform removed in good condition.

Product ID: 17118


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Malta Command 231st Infantry Brigade Formation Badge

The Malta Command formation badge depicts a white Maltese cross on a red shield.  The unconfirmed opinion of the use of the square background suggests that it could denote British Troops Malta, however, 231 Brigade was a Regular Infantry Brigade originally known as the Malta Infantry Brigade.

In Malta, on 7 August 1940 it was redesignated the Southern Infantry Brigade and on 14 July 1942 it was again redesignated as 1st (Malta) Infantry Brigade.  It became 231st Infantry Brigade on 1 April 1943 on its move from Malta to Egypt where it took additional artillery, engineer and medical units under command and became an Independent Brigade Group. In this guise, it participated in the invasions of Sicily and Italy.

At the end of September 1943 the Brigade reverted to an Infantry Brigade, became part of 50th Division and returned with the Division to the UK and later took part in the invasion of Europe, returning with the Division to the UK at the end of 1944. When the Division was finally disbanded in August 1945 the Brigade came under command of Northumbrian District.

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