Médaille Commémorative de la guerre 1914–1918
The 1914–1918 French Commemorative War Medal (Médaille commémorative de la guerre 1914–1918) was awarded to soldiers and sailors for service in World War I. It was also awarded to civilians who met certain requirements. Created by Act of June 23, 1920, is awarded to any military member for service between 2 August 1914 and November 11, 1918. It is also given to civilians who served in the same period in the army or the Interior.
An open contest was held which invited many engravers of the time, and 73 models were presented to the jury. The model of Pierre-Alexandre Morlon was ultimately adopted. The event had a certain impact since L’Illustration, a prestigious magazine, illustrated in an article of January 29, 1921, pictures of the six models selected.