NSKK Sleeve Eagle BeVo Badge
An NSKK sleeve eagle, flat wire BeVo construction with silver aluminum thread woven on black rayon with no damage or repairs in good condition.
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Kriegsmarine Tropical BeVo Cap Eagle
A scare Kriegsmarine tropical cap eagle, flat BeVo weave example on tan coloured backing, worn on M41 tropical field cap. The badge is unissued in mint condition.
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Reichsbahn M43 Cap BeVo Trapezoid
A Reichsbahn M43 Cap Trapezoid (Deutsche Reichsbahn) Germany National Railway. The insignia is BeVo flat woven construction with a golden eagle clutching a canted swastika, above the national cockade on dark blue cotton. The insignia was worn by EM/NCOs on the M43 cap and is in unissued condition with no damage or repairs in mint condition.
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Kriegsmarine Navy Coastal Artillery Bevo Breast Eagle
An M38 Kriegsmarine Navy Coastal Artillery Bevo Breast Eagle for EM and NCOs, flat BeVo weave construction in gold on field green backing. The breast eagle has no damage or repairs in good condition.
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M38 Heer Officers Bevo Cap T-Eagle Insignia
A very rare M38 Heer Officers Bevo Cap T-Eagle Insignia, flat wire woven. This variation has a Heer eagle in grey with a nation cockade on a "T" shaped backing, which was introduced in 1940 and was initially intended to be worn on the Bergmutz mountain cap by Gebirgsjäger units. This insignia is a textbook example in unissued condition with no holes or damage in good condition.
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