Guards Division Insignia

Welcome to Grenadier Militaria International online militaria antiques store we stock authentic WW1 and WW2 Guards Division insignia, badges, decorations, medals, documents, headdress and historical artefacts from this period.

The Guards Division is a British Infantry formed in 1915 during the great war in France, which was made of the Guards Regiments, which has served in all major conflicts since Waterloo.

The division includes the Foot Guards regiments and Household Calvary which are steeped in history that can be traced back to 1652 by Charles I.  The division is currently made up of the most senior regiments of the British Army including Life Guards, Blues & Royals, Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Scot Guards, Welsh and Irish Guards, which conducts ceremonial duties in London and various operational roles.

All items on our website are original period items unless stated otherwise.  We are also pleased to offer international consignment service in which Grenadier Militaria International offers your WW2 British and Commonwealth Forces item(s) for sale on the world market on your behalf.

With an extensive global online audience items are listed for direct sale to our international audience.

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